Ok, when does it get better? Cause I'll be honest, it's hit or miss around here.
I like dinner time...or I used to before kids. Some days dinner is a nice little part of my day, where I get to chat up my kids as they eat the dinner I have prepared for them without complaint.
Most days though, well, it's crazy, complaining chaos.
Now, I know kids in this age range tend to be picky. And I get that. I am also a picky eater, so I do understand. So having said that, I get frustrated when I KNOW that the love a meal and all of a sudden they don't like it, it "feels yucky" in their mouth, they hate it and so on and so forth.
I guess my expectation of a dinner where we all sit down and eat and talk and laugh is, at least for now, unattainable.
"You know I don't like carrots, mom, or did you forget?" Tessa 9/23/12
"What is this smooshy thing mom? Ewww." Elijah 9/23/12 (It was a potato)
"Mom, what is this? It looks weird?" Ava 9/23/12 (It was pie crust)
In Ava's defense, she did eat hers, she just had to ask what everything was first.
I guess I'm just delusional to expect a semi calm dinner. And that got me to thinking...(what?!?)
I wonder what Jesus was like as a little boy. I so desperately wish to know if he ever told his mom he didn't like something when she served him dinner. I also wonder if as a baby he was a crier or colicky or otherwise painful in the ways new babies can be...sleep? Anyone? Did he whine when he was a 3 year old???
No, I don't want perfect children. Because to be honest, some of their funniest moments happen in not-so-perfect times. I love seeing how their brains work and how they figure things out. I love watching their ears smoke and I can hear their gears winding when they are trying to figure out how to get around me on something. Most of all, I love how they love me, their very imperfect mother, always. How, despite the fact that they did not want to eat the homemade chicken pot pie I made them, they all left the table, cleared their dishes and told me thank you for dinner. I love that even when they choose to go to bed hungry (our policy is eat dinner at dinner time or eat nothing until breakfast) because I didn't make exactly what they wanted for dinner, they hug me and kiss me and love me.
I love that after being disciplined, the one person that they want to soothe them is me! The same person that just handed out that same discipline.
I often second guess my parenting, my judgement and even my words that I use towards my children. Everyday I could certainly have done better, lots better. But everyday those sweet (and yes, exhausting) little people tell me they love and that I am the "best mommy ever!"
Kind of makes my dream dinners not seem so important...
Doesn't mean I won't stop striving for them though! We have someone different say a prayer every night at dinner and this is what they say almost verbatim every single night:
"Dear Jesus, thank you for my family and for our food. Amen"
So let me just say:
"Dear Jesus,
Thank you for my family! My "I-don't-want-to-eat-carrots-smooshy-potatoes-weird-looking-meal" children. Thank you for their tender hearts, loving spirits, humorous actions and brilliant minds. Thank you for a husband that is an amazing father to them and a selfless husband to me. I am spoiled and I thank you for it! I thank you for my life. It's not always easy or fun, but it is always rewarding. Amen"
"P.S. Please make them eat!"

I'm a Wife. A daughter, a sister, a friend, but mainly I'm a MOM. Of human kids...I think. I'm creating this blog to think about, discuss, vent and even soap box my thoughts and feelings. I hope I learn some things. Maybe even teach a few things. Join me on my journey of Faith, Family and figuring it out (or at least trying!) "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused." ~unknown
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Fall. Autumn. Whatever you call it, we're having a real one this year!
And I'll be honest, I've truly come to like my "2" seasoned San Diego.
It was 46 degrees this morning. 46. Do you hear what I am saying?
I did wear pants and a sweatshirt, but I still wore my flip flops. Take that New England "Fall."
Sadly tomorrow is the last day of summer and I am in mourning. My flag is at half mast, my windows are adorned with black. My soul is crying...
Ok, maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but I honestly LOVE perpetual summer. Le sigh.
I have what I have been assuming is a cold, and whole I still think I have a cold, I also think I have some kind of pollen allergy here. Ugh, all these trees and grass and stuff. Hahahaha.
I need my sand and palm trees!
I am excited to start planning our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch! I just have to find the right one...Ooooh the hayrides and apple cider. The photo opportunities! In my mind this will be such a good time and we will have this memories forever. In reality, I will say "what was I thinking?" But in the end...it will be beautiful memories and lots of fun with some crazy "I-have-too-many-small-kids" moments. Sweet Chaos!!!
My mom will be here in a few weeks too, so they kids will love that!
So since we're coming up on this fun fall season, share with me your favorite Fall traditions and Halloween fun!!
It was 46 degrees this morning. 46. Do you hear what I am saying?
I did wear pants and a sweatshirt, but I still wore my flip flops. Take that New England "Fall."
Sadly tomorrow is the last day of summer and I am in mourning. My flag is at half mast, my windows are adorned with black. My soul is crying...
Ok, maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but I honestly LOVE perpetual summer. Le sigh.
I have what I have been assuming is a cold, and whole I still think I have a cold, I also think I have some kind of pollen allergy here. Ugh, all these trees and grass and stuff. Hahahaha.
I need my sand and palm trees!
I am excited to start planning our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch! I just have to find the right one...Ooooh the hayrides and apple cider. The photo opportunities! In my mind this will be such a good time and we will have this memories forever. In reality, I will say "what was I thinking?" But in the end...it will be beautiful memories and lots of fun with some crazy "I-have-too-many-small-kids" moments. Sweet Chaos!!!
My mom will be here in a few weeks too, so they kids will love that!
So since we're coming up on this fun fall season, share with me your favorite Fall traditions and Halloween fun!!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Bad Bloggy Bad!
I apologize. I haven't blogged in a while. Every moment that I have had time to sit down and blog, my mind has gone blank. Totally and completely blank. Very unusual for me.
School has started back up. Ava is loving the first grade, I am missing having her at home. The twins were accepted into the preschool program here, so they should start next week or the week after at the very latest. Luckily, they are only half day. Next year when Ava, Tess and Elijah are all full day, I am going to be so sad. Probably makes me the odd man out, but I love having my kids home with me.
Don't get me wrong, there are days I pray for college to get here and with a quickness that defies logic, but most of the time, I treasure just being in their presence. They are such amazing kids. In spite of me being their mother! hahahaha.
It has started getting really cold here in the mornings and at night. It was 50 degrees yesterday morning. Um, no thanks! EEEEK! This "spoiled-by-San-Diego-weather" girl is in denial.
Well, hopefully, soon I will be back up and blogging more frequently. I'm sure you all have been missing my random thoughts and musings! Have a happy Thursday!!
School has started back up. Ava is loving the first grade, I am missing having her at home. The twins were accepted into the preschool program here, so they should start next week or the week after at the very latest. Luckily, they are only half day. Next year when Ava, Tess and Elijah are all full day, I am going to be so sad. Probably makes me the odd man out, but I love having my kids home with me.
Don't get me wrong, there are days I pray for college to get here and with a quickness that defies logic, but most of the time, I treasure just being in their presence. They are such amazing kids. In spite of me being their mother! hahahaha.
It has started getting really cold here in the mornings and at night. It was 50 degrees yesterday morning. Um, no thanks! EEEEK! This "spoiled-by-San-Diego-weather" girl is in denial.
Well, hopefully, soon I will be back up and blogging more frequently. I'm sure you all have been missing my random thoughts and musings! Have a happy Thursday!!
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