Ok, ok, ok. I know everyone is sick of politics. But I just feel this so clearly on my heart. So, it's in my head, in my heart and NOW in my blog.
First, I'm gonna be normal and whine for a second. I am ASHAMED at the behavior of both presidential candidates and their behaviors during the debates. I am even more frustrated that we can't get an unbiased moderator for any of them. And I am saddened that people aren't keeping open minds during them. If we take the time to be honest (regardless of who we choose as our candidate) that both Romney and Obama are talking around subjects, not answering the questions, making factual errors and both acting like rude toddlers.
Having said that, I feel that we need to rally our friends, our families, our communities to vote. We do make a difference. Our votes count. As a bible believing Christian, I believe voting is an obedient act to God. He requires us to be responsible citizens. Whether we choose to obey that or not is our choice. As always God is a gentlemen and he won't force our hands there.
I desperately wish that I could just hand God my ballot, so I know that I am voting for what He wants. I posted the following on Facebook and honestly, I think it bears repeating:
"There is only one way I can remain calm during this election season. And this is it:
"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." Romans 13:1
And since I am a bible believing Christian, I have to believe that God has a plan no matter who gets elected. Whether I like them or not."
I love all my friends and families and I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I've been saddened by the nastiness this election has uncovered. I never vote solely based on political party. I vote for the person who holds the values closest to my own. I feel sad that each election I feel the old adage "voting for the lesser of 2 evils" gets more and more true for me. And I have been sad to see so many people make wounds in their relationships over politics.
I wish and hope and pray that as Americans we can find our way back to the attitudes that founded this great nation.
I pray that we become a nation on our knees. Praying that God would grace this nation even though as a whole, we have pushed him out. And even though this is a bit off the beaten path about voting, I really really love the lyrics to this song and I feel it is so true.
They tried their best to drag him out
Of a courthouse down in montgomery
Now they want to kick him out of school
And take him off our money
They can take those words off of paper and stone
But he aint gone, no
He ain't the leavin' kind
He'd never walk away
Even from those who dont believe
And wanna leave him behind
He ain't the leavin' kind
She stayed mad at him for a lot of years
For taking her husband
Started losing her faith and thinking that
Her life meant nothin
But when she looks at those kids
She raised all by herself
She knows she had some help
Yeah she knows
He ain't the leavin' kind
He'd never walk away
Even from those who don't believe
And wanna leave him behind
He ain't the leavin' kind
No matter what you do
No matter where you go he's
Always right there
With you
Even from those who don't believe
And wanna leave him behind
He ain't the leavin' kind
I'm so thankful. I've certainly done my best to push God away multiple times. I am glad he isn't the leaving kind. And I feel that God wanted me to write about voting, so please- VOTE!!!!

I'm a Wife. A daughter, a sister, a friend, but mainly I'm a MOM. Of human kids...I think. I'm creating this blog to think about, discuss, vent and even soap box my thoughts and feelings. I hope I learn some things. Maybe even teach a few things. Join me on my journey of Faith, Family and figuring it out (or at least trying!) "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused." ~unknown
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Hodge podge
Has it really been 3 weeks since I last blogged? I get a big fat fail for being so lame.
What can I say? Life gets busy sometimes with 4 kids. The twins are now in Preschool here in CT and so far, they love it. It's half day, and I love that!!
We finally found a church here to call home. So that has been amazing. We've been blessed to make friends through the church as well. It's called Lifehouse and it's in a serious growth spurt!
Let's see....any other mundane things I should chat about? We switched the kids rooms around because it was getting insane the waking up and staying up too late etc. Elijah (my early riser) is now in his own room, the smallest one (still big though) over by Jason and I's room. Levi moved into Ava's old room and he also has the futon in his room. Nursery/guest room. The girls are in the biggest room and so far, so good. Elijah is still getting up early, but not 5ish anymore. Today he slept until 7. WOOO! And Levi slept until 8! Seriously. 8 am. I could have cried for joy!!
In November I am starting up a Biggest Loser competition. Starts NOV 1st ends January 17th. Let me know if anyone out there in blogger land is interested!!
It's time for me to get healthy.
On a totally unrelated note, I wonder when Jason will learn that he can't leave things on his computer table? Levi is a stealthy little thief. And he DESTROYS. LOL.
Now LEvi is trying t*o -**- 9h9e
Let's try that again. Levi is trying to help me type. So I gotta go!
What can I say? Life gets busy sometimes with 4 kids. The twins are now in Preschool here in CT and so far, they love it. It's half day, and I love that!!
We finally found a church here to call home. So that has been amazing. We've been blessed to make friends through the church as well. It's called Lifehouse and it's in a serious growth spurt!
Let's see....any other mundane things I should chat about? We switched the kids rooms around because it was getting insane the waking up and staying up too late etc. Elijah (my early riser) is now in his own room, the smallest one (still big though) over by Jason and I's room. Levi moved into Ava's old room and he also has the futon in his room. Nursery/guest room. The girls are in the biggest room and so far, so good. Elijah is still getting up early, but not 5ish anymore. Today he slept until 7. WOOO! And Levi slept until 8! Seriously. 8 am. I could have cried for joy!!
In November I am starting up a Biggest Loser competition. Starts NOV 1st ends January 17th. Let me know if anyone out there in blogger land is interested!!
It's time for me to get healthy.
On a totally unrelated note, I wonder when Jason will learn that he can't leave things on his computer table? Levi is a stealthy little thief. And he DESTROYS. LOL.
Now LEvi is trying t*o -**- 9h9e
Let's try that again. Levi is trying to help me type. So I gotta go!
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