Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Healthy happens...with hard work.

So, I am doing a Biggest Loser Competition with my sister and some friends.  Week 2 weigh in is tomorrow and I am seriously doubting that there will be any movement on my scale.  It's been a weird week.  I am watching my portion sizes mainly.  I have come in under my calorie goals a few times.  But I just tell myself that a slow and steady weight loss means that I will be able to maintain it, right?

I have lost 9 lbs since september.  And I am determined to keep on going.  I have really only been actively trying to lose since NOV 1st, so some of that weight loss was a nice surprise!

I have been walking.  I try to go everyday, but that just isn't always possible. 

I don't have anything life changing to say today.  Just keep me in your thoughts and prayers.  Cause this is such a massive thing, I can not do it alone. 

Got any good recipes?  Tips?  Hints?  Exercises?  Or just encouragement?

I'll take all I can get!!

Thanks friends.


  1. Great work!!! My advice: Set a goal, a very specific goal- large and small. For instance, the total weight you want to lose, and then lots of small goals- like walking further one week than you did last, or faster, or doing 5 more crunches than the week before. Focus on one day at a time. My trainer likes to point out that it took us (most of us) at least 5 years to get in the spot we started, so don't expect to reverse it in a couple months time. Post inspiring words in the house. Have a picture of the "old" you on the fridge. Try and eat as "clean" as possible, and when you eat carbs, make them the complex ones. Oh God, I could go on forever. :) Great start. Most importantly, know that YOU WILL fall off the wagon, so to speak, but the most important lesson you can teach yourself is to just move forward and keep on trucking.

  2. Yes. I have some advice, which I am sure you already are sure of. Keep your goals simple, and attainable. Set a 1 month goal, like I want to jog for 5 minutes and walk the rest. Then when you make that goal, and can keep it easily, make another short term goal. I want to jog for 10 minutes and walk for 20-30. I am sure you get the idea. You will be amazed on how quickly your fitness improves, and watch the weight fall off. Don't get discouraged. You didn't get out of shape overnight, so you won't get into shape overnight either. Slow and steady DOES win the race. Every time. You can do it. I know you can. Bring the munchkins if you must, but DO not set your time apart. Then it gets easier and easier to make excuses. I have had to just say no to some things so I can make sure I fit my exercise in. It truly is important. For you and your family!! I love you and you always have my encouragement!!! Hugs~
