I'm a Wife. A daughter, a sister, a friend, but mainly I'm a MOM. Of human kids...I think. I'm creating this blog to think about, discuss, vent and even soap box my thoughts and feelings. I hope I learn some things. Maybe even teach a few things. Join me on my journey of Faith, Family and figuring it out (or at least trying!) "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused." ~unknown
Monday, September 30, 2013
The Top Ten Things the (almost) Government Shutdown has taught me
According to the US Census Bureau at the time I wrote this post, there are approximately, 316,792,241 people in the United States. And our Federal Government (The Legislative and Executive branch anyway) is made up of 537 people. And those 537 people are keeping our Country hostage in a game of tug of war. That is 0.0001695 % of the population. Am I the only one that bothers?
It's time we set down our ipads, our games of Candy crush (and trust me, I am an addict) , and small world views. We need to look around and see what is becoming of our Great Nation! America has never been perfect, but it has been good. At the rate things are going, good won't be here much longer...and many argue it's already gone.
You know what makes America great? Service. Serving as an elected official to run the government by the people FOR the people. Americans who proudly volunteer to serve in their US Military. Neighbors serving neighbors. A place where it isn't about ME, it's about WE.
I fear we've lost that.
The Top Ten Things the Government shut down has taught me:
10. People don't know the basics of how their US government works.
9. People don't CARE about how the government works as long as their style of living remains unchanged.
8. The government is encroaching more and more on our personal rights as private citizens.
7. I care more than I thought and feel incredibly overwhelmed that there aren't more people wanting to challenge and change our government Status quo.
6. The elderly and the military are used as pawns in the tug of war Congress has going on. Fear tactics are unbecoming Uncle Sam. Just thought you should know. We will not bow down to fear. Remember Pearl Harbor? 9/11? Where is that American spirit in the face of this domestic threat?
5. The media is no longer a source of unbiased information. And despite what you may have heard, you can't trust everything you see on TV, read in a newspaper or find on the Internet. Making fact finding that much harder.
4. Our society teaches our kids it's ok, no, it's NORMAL to have debt.
3. My husband and I can agree on a budget. He is the sole source of income in our family and yet, we manage to compromise and agree on a budget. Then we stick to it. Without him threatening me to a grocery store shut down. Nor will he raise my debt ceiling. Want something new? Can't afford it? I have to save for it.
2. No matter what happens, I have a family I love. We have quirks and a diverse range of opinions, but we love each other and work together for the greater good.
1. God is great. All the time. He will provide us what we need. It may not be what we WANT, but it will be what we need.
If you agree with anything I have written, I'd love to hear from you. And pass this along would you?
If you disagree with me, I'd like to hear from you too!
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