Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Daily grind, baby!

Hello friends out there in blogger world!  Life has been so fantastic back in San Diego, I just haven't made the time to write like I want to...as many of you know, I also started blogging for my church Women's ministry, so that too, competes for my time.  I do NOT have  anything awesome to say, so I decided to sum up my day in a top ten list.

10.) What?  2 am isn't what time we wake up for the day? -Levi

9.) Mommy- I am going to keep hacking  and coughing on you from 2 (since I am already up) until 705 when you drag your sorry self out of bed.

8.) Help a friend with her talk for church on Friday night while simultaneously apologizing for "Rude Levi."  Everyone's favorite 3 year old.

7.) Receive text from husband who is on duty:" I'm so sick.  They are sending me home."  Two words for you: MAN SICK.  (I should say that he perked up after 3 or so)

6.) Must make it to the commissary.  Everyone wants to eat and we have no food.

5.) Control the urge to grab lady at the commissary and bang her head into the wall after she slams by me to get into the yogurt section and then she manages to slam Levi's fingers into the freezer.  Does she apologize?  No, no she does not.  There was much deep breathing.  #nopostal

4.) Get phone call in check out that Ava is sick.  Must go pick up sick child before taking groceries home.

3.) Unload and put away groceries. 

2.) Clean up the house because a bomb went off in here sometime.  It must have.  There is no other excuse. 

1.) Make dinner, settle arguments, baths, showers, hair drama, kids in bed...LOL who am I kidding?  The kids are on the fifth round of "I'm hungry, I need a drink, Mommy, just one more hug."

And then just for fun, real, actual things I said today:

10.) Books do not go in bath tubs.  OOPS, too late.

9.) I swear I will shave all your hair off.  Don't tempt me.

8.) It's not going to sting.

7.) Can I have a bag for throw up?

6.) You have a booger on your face.  Fine.  Leave it there.

5.) Yes, those buns.  (Yes- meaning your butt cheeks)

4.) Do you want to play or eat?

3.) How many times can I tell you not to lick the wall?

2.) Brush your teeth, go pee, pick your book, get in bed.

1.) Goodnight.  I love you. 

And I really do love them, but bedtime is still one of my favorite times of the day.  So why do I still hear them???  AHHH.  I have 51 minutes until NCIS is on.  I just might make it. 

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