The last few days have been busy and yet, I look around and think "what on earth did I do???"
Ava's birthday was a success. She felt very loved. We're in the midst of a Polly Pocket Paradise these days. I, personally, would like to meet the maker of Polly Pocket and smack them a few times. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? Oh, Little girls LOVE these things and yet, they can't change their clothes without help from me, who does not want to play Polly Pockets. "But mom, it's haaaaaarrrrrrrrrrd to change their clothes." Well, as I am the one that does it...I know this is a true statement. I will admit though, that it is exceptionally cute to watch the girls play with Polly and friends...although Ava is still convinced the boy Polly Pocket is a girl. lol.
Today, I had a girls day out. I went to see "One for the Money" Now for those of you who know my reading habits, I LOVE me some Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum novels. All 18. If I had never read the books, I would totally have labeled this movie a must see and excellent. But as I have read all 18 books, the characters and places are all very well alive in my mind. So there was some adjusting to the casting. Ranger worked. Very well. MEEEEEOOOW. Grandma Mazur was good, Lula was AWESOME. Sherri Sheperd totally "got" Lula. Katherine Heigl did a really good job as Stephanie, but I really need to let it grow on me some more. I think that Morelli could grow on me IF they do another one. He was a likable character, but needed to smile more...Stephanie's mom wasn't quite right, her dad was pretty good, Connie was ok (she didn't have much screen time) Vinnie they did well with...Benito, not so much. Now keep in mind this is all just my opinion, but all in all I thought they did a good job. I think Jason will really like it and I'll let you know after I force him to watch it on DVD.
Came home from the movies and Jase looked quite frazzled. I asked him if he was ok and he said "yeah, but it was rough, I was home with all 4 kids you know." I laughed...inwardly and outwardly. welcome to MY world dear. Welcome to my world. Speaking of my world, have you seen my kids lately? They're stinking adorable!
Just when I think the last remaining piece of sanity is going to *poof* out of my body, someone gives me a big hug or a beautiful "light-up-the-world" smile. And I remind myself, the chaos is temporary, the love is forever.
I'm a very lucky girl.
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