I love Sundays. I love my church. (YAY Newbreak!) I feel so renewed after each Sunday service. I wish I was better at keeping that fired up feeling longer. Today we talked about tithing and offerings and generosity. We tithe. Not quite to that 10% mark yet and we try to make offerings above that, but sometimes it's hard. This week, Jase and I will be doing some scoping around on our spending habits. We've been discussing redoing our budget and possibly redoing FPU (Financial Peace University) for a while now. Today's service was so timely. It really is true, where your treasure is there will your heart be...
So where is your heart? That seems like it would be an easy question to answer, but, for me, it's hard. I'm still kind of wondering. I can come up with a few things my checkbook will show me: Food, kids and then random things. DO I need food? Of course, but maybe I shouldn't love it so much. I love my kids with every breath I take, every single breath, but in the end, I have to remember they are on loan to me from God. And he always provide for his children. They are his creations, and if you ask this proud mama, the cutest and the brightest. :-) I just try to remember that I am raising them to become independent adults who know they have the ability to change the world, one person at a time. And I believe they will!!
Moving on to random things. OH MY GOSH! When did Jason and I go from having a few pieces of furniture and hand me downs to this chaos that is now in my house? We have too much stuff simply put. I need desperately to par down on all of our stuff, Craigslist, Goodwill, friends...I have stuff that I am positive other people can and will use. That just collects dust in my house. Now the hard part for me is trying to find the time to go through my plethora (oh plethora- you're my favorite word) of excess. And if I am being honest, I need to really REALLY let go of some things. I feel so connected to some stuff that it is just silly. And yet, I do.
Plus all the chaos makes me crazy, so maybe less is really MORE, more organization, more serenity...Cause deep down in my soul, I crave organization. I do. Probably sounds dorky, but oh, I feel so fabulous when everything has a home of it's own. I was organized...prekids. LOL.
Which leads me to when my kids grow up. My house will be organized, but man, I'll miss the noise. I'm so torn on my kids growing up. Each stage is bittersweet, cause one has to end for the next to begin...And I love seeing how my kids bloom and grow. But I do miss the sweet cuddle time they used to hand out so freely and I know it will get less and less as they grow. I am so excited to see who they become...my prayer is that they reach out with both hands and grab every opportunity that God allows them. I pray that they have a grateful heart and a generous soul. Cause our hearts effect everyone we meet and our soul, well, it's what we keep.
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