Monday, February 6, 2012

My Kingdom for a Nap

So.  My mind is kind of empty.  HAHA.  As if that could ever happen...maybe I should say my brain is sloooooooooooow and tired. 

Speaking of tired...I can't remember the last time I haven't felt a little bit tired.  I mean, I have no recollection of waking up completely refreshed EVER!  I know I used to...but then again, I used to wake up when I woke up on my own...the weekends anyway.

Now, I wouldn't trade my my kids for more sleep...but I admit, I've thought it.  I know I have uttered the words "My kingdom for a nap."  OOOOH and then my personal fave (note I am dripping with sarcasm here) is when people tell me I can sleep when I'm dead. 

NO!  No I can not.  Because dead people aren't sleeping.  They're dead.  Note the distinction???  I'm also quite certain that since God created our bodies to sleep, we actually need to get some sleep.  I'm not talking about my fantasy sleep (10 hours of uninterrupted sleep EVERY night)  but I think we owe it to our bodies to give it the proper amount as often as we can...God created us to go without for periods of time too...hello? Newborns, anyone?

But I get kind of snippy when people act as if I shouldn't be tired or that I should be thankful to be tired...I get the idea they are pushing, but have you ever met a tired 3 year old?  Yeah, I'm like that.  Only 33.  HAHAHA.  And I deal with 2 three year olds everyday.  So...Cut. Me. Some. Slack. Please.

I think I'll create a in the San Diegans for Significant Sleep Association...ok, not really, ooooooh maybe Sailor Spouses for Serene Sleep...ok, ok, ok.  NO groups...but do me a favor, next time you see me and I say I'm tired...Just give me a hug and tell me sleep will be my friend again one day. 

Until then, sleep tight.  Don't let the bed bugs bite. 


  1. I really hate it when someone's response to the statement that you are tired is, "well, that's what happens when you have a baby." I hate it even more when that person is your mom. I agree that the best response is a hug and a reminder that you'll get to sleep again soon (soon as in a few years).

  2. Yes, those of us who are beyond the newborn years sometimes forget a little bit what that feels like. Thanks for the reminder to do some recollecting before I speak. Come to think of it, that is probably a fine thing to do no matter what the topic is. Sleep will come again girls, I promise. I know neither of you have a sibling nearby, but having Mary take the kids periodically was so lovely. Any possibility of hiring a sitter/begging a friend for a couple of hours of child care? Easier said than done - With a little one as tiny as Price though, that probably isn't in the cards for awhile, and there is also the issue of taking them all somewhere else first, or trying to sleep in your own bed while they are still there. At best, that's only a very short term solution isn't it? So, long distance hugs, and a heartfelt I'm sorry, I promise it does get better, though not right away.

  3. Thanks Lynne. That's really all sleep deprived moms want, sympathy!!

    Angie, Price is so handsome. Hang in there!!
