Russian Roulette, Spin the bottle, pick the short straw, eeny meeny meiny moe, and you are not it.
Yeah, I'm not back in the 7th grade...just tired of the merry-go-round with the Navy and our next duty station. It's such a saga.
They popped orders on us in July and said we had 3 days to pick, so out of the crappy choices (2 unaccompanied one to Souda Bay, Greece, one to Diego Garcia and one accompanied 3 year tour to a sea intensive ship in Sasebo Japan) we chose the one year unaccompanied in Souda Bay Greece. They gave him a "late" report by date cause I was pregnant with Levi still and they were helpful for letting him stay...
So he was supposed to report by 26 NOV then they pushed it back a month due to physical therapy on Jason's knee. Well, dec 19th (1 week before he was to arrive) they cancelled his orders. And since then we have been put in for Korea and had to wait 8 weeks to find out that was a no go. Then DC popped and Jason was so excited, started his paperwork and then found out they gave that to someone else...
So we could today, right this minute (well, as soon as the Pentagon releases him) accept orders to Groton, CT at a sub base. Jase would work in a Public Affairs Office, which he has done many times. Or we can wait a week or so and see if we can get orders to Ft Meade, MD where Jason would be a instructor at The Defense Information School. Which, ironically enough, is where I went to school to get my MOS for the Army and Jason went through there for another classification while I was pregnant with Tessa and Elijah. Ft. Meade and the instructor position would be much better for his career and he'd like the job better. But CT is super close to his family. His detailer also thinks Instructor duty his the way to go. So now we wait and we pray.
So where we land, nobody knows.
Praying that you land where you want:)
ReplyDeleteI really hope you land where you want, but I also believe in everything happening for a reason, so even if you don't end up where it looks like you "should", you will be where you are supposed to be :) Lots of hugs, hoping you guys get an answer soon.