Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer is here!

Things are starting to settle a teeny bit.  Lots still to do: curtains to hang, pictures to hang, garage to clean...isn't that the story of our life?  Odds and ends that need to find homes in this home or go to someone else!

This week starts the beginning of Summer vacation!  The best part of that is not setting an alarm clock!  I still get up early (thanks Levi) but having virtually no deadlines to keep or meet is FANTASTIC!  Plus, I love having my kids all home with me.  Yeah, weird I know.  By the end of summer I may be ready to rescind that...LOL. 

I'm now accepting crafty, fun and free (or cheap) summer fun ideas.  If you have any, let me know!  So far our summer activities to do include:

Visiting the Mystic Aquarium, going to the beach, library events, going to the pool, trying out every playground in a 20 mile radius, Tye dyeing some old shirts/socks etc and getting a little more life from them!  Visiting Nana and Grampy's house, and Uncle Mike and Auntie Leasha, of course!  Possibly weaseling an invite to Cape Cod for Char and Al!!  And really what I hope is the piece de resistance:  Getting Beckah home on leave after her deployment *hopefully* before Ava goes back to school...oh and Seeing Aunt Toni, Uncle Mike #2 and kids (Regan, Avery and Addison)  I miss my sissy and need to see her!!

I feel truly blessed to be able to be home with my kids and get to enjoy summer vacation with them. 

I've been struggling a lot with this move.  I feel truly displaced and not sure which way to go...we tried a church and it just wasn't a fit for us.  Not even close.  We're trying a new church this weekend and I am praying that this one at least feels like a maybe.  Typically, that's how we make friends...I got so spoiled at Newbreak.  I  love it there.  I'm trying very hard to be open minded and willing to let a church grow on me, I just truly want to be at a church that has Life groups.  So necessary to me. 

of course, it doesn't help that for a year after every baby (sometimes longer) I struggle with Post Partum Depression issues.  So feeling isolated, well,  it ain't helping!  Jason will have some long and interesting hours this summer too.  No fun.  So far it seems as if his boss will be very good about comp time and the like...Say some prayers that I make a friend soon.  I need one.  (Here in Groton that is!!)  Because I have amazing friends all around this country, I just want one that can come over for tea in 10 minutes or less.  :-) 

I hope everyone has an absolutely divine summer and that you can truly enjoy all the blessings God has poured into your lives!  Drop me a note sometime and tell me about them!!

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