Thursday, April 4, 2013

Truths about Trish Day 2!!

Day 2: Something you love about yourself. 

Hmmm.  One would think this would be easy.  And if it's not (it isn't for me!)  It really should be!!  We all have something that makes us unique and wonderful. 

Life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, comedies and tragedies.  I've lived through a lot of them.  I'm what you might call a stubborn, independent "walk-to-the-beat-of-my-own-drummer" gal.

It served me well in school.  No amount of peer pressure would have persuaded me to do something I genuinely did not want to do. I believe this kept me out of a lot of trouble. 

Added to my stubborn streak is a happy outlook.  Optimism is part of my language.  Some days, it gets tampered down, but all in all, I'm a happy person.  I believe happiness is a choice in many ways.  Contentment, man, that's where it's at.  Because you can be content and not be "happy."

So I guess what I am saying is that I like my personality.  It suits me.  I'm friendly, outgoing, compassionate, but not a pushover. 

I've also learned I need to be a bigger cheerleader for myself.  Here I am handed a day to toot my own horn and I'm struggling to come up with more than my personality.  LOL. 

Ooooh, I'm a good cook.  True story.  People like to eat the food I make.  Well, everyone but my kids.  And they don't count.  They live off chicken nuggets and pizza, but I digress...

I really like my smile.  4 years of braces made them nice and straight.  Thanks Mom!!

I'm at a loss of how to cleverly end this blog, so I decided we'll make this "Make Trisha feel good night."  (Remember our Make a Person feel good nights Toni?  HAHAHAHA)

So, if you've got the time or the inclination, tell me, what do YOU think is my best quality??? 

Thanks in advance for the kind words and ego boost! 


  1. You once told me to not be ashamed or apologetic about my feelings and opinions. It has stayed with me over the years and while I still struggle with sharing my feelings 'out loud' at times, I have found courage through those words, and support even though you may not have realized the impact they made on me. To me, one of your best qualities is being a good friend. :)

  2. I think your best quality is your fierce devotion and love that you have for your family - all of them, not just the hubs and kids.

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    1. Alright from my experience as a person in some of your life groups, and being a family friend I can say that your best quality from my standpoint is that you tell it how it is but in a nice way. From telling your kids something like "yeah that's not going to happen, but I love you anyways" to telling your husband and me something like "seriously are you guys done now?" it's awesome. I know your kids will, and your husband already does, very much appreciate your ability to speak the truth in love when they get older and I know that it has benefited our groups together as well as blessed my wife and our family. That is all.
