Sunday, February 12, 2012

Zoinks...and other various ottamottapea's

Zoinks.  That is the noise that keeps flying through my head on this crazy Sunday night.  Which I guess is better than the "&*(^%$^^@!" that it so easily could be. 

I am a woman on the edge. Bang Bang Bang Bang.  That's what I hear right now, cause Tessa is mad and doesn't want to sleep.  So she's banging on her wall.  Which borders Levi's room.  Bang bang bang bang...followed by a wah wah wah wah wah...followed by a moooooooomy...mooooOOOOOOOOmy, heightened inflection to prove just how angry she is...

Zoinks!! Zoinks!! Zoinks!!

*This is me pausing to go lay down the law.   BIG FAT SIGH.

Ok, so I walk NORMALLY up the stairs, when I wanted to STOMP STOMP STOMP.  And I go into her room and she's telling on Elijah...who by the way, is sleeping.  Apparently, he won't talk to her.  SIGH. SIGH. SIGH.

And then she says "I don't want you to spank me."  Which is what she says EVERY time she cries.  Why you might ask?  I have no clue, cause she rarely gets spanked.  AGH AGH AGH.  She is no longer crying, there was no spanking, just some wise advice from mom. "You don't want to close your eyes?  Sleep with them open then."  I am brilliant. 

Ding Ding Ding.  We have a winner!!  It's me...I now hear the sound of silence. 


The end. 

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