Friday, April 27, 2012

All about the crazies....

Holy Cannoli! (As Tessa likes to say!!)

SO much going on.  But first, a few little sneak peeks into my life:

There is NOTHING and I do mean nothing, that is sweeter than hearing your little boy sing in his low pitched voice "Bless the Broken Road" and then talking about how cool that it's his mom and dads wedding song.  Love that boy.   Seriously, look at his face.  Unnnnnnnh.  So handsome.

And speaking of boys, Levi is hilarious.  Seriously.  Broke his first household item yesterday.  Gave me a heart attack, cause I thought for sure that Vase was out of his reach.  HA!  Not so.  Also, he loves and I mean LOVES playing with shadows in the sunlight.  How sweet is he?

And then there is Tessa.  There are so many things I can say about her...LOL.  My sweet little hoarder that happens to be a bit of a hypochondriac.  Today, she came in laughing from the kitchen and said as she was giggling "I just keep tooting and tooting and tooting!"  My little teeny one can clear a room.  Yeah, she'll be embarrassed to read this in a few years.  Love you Tessa!  P.S. She just informed she was shot by the bad guys that got out of jail.  Where does she come up with this??????

And there is Ava.  My sweet, nurturing Ava.  If she chooses to be a mom one day, she will rock at it.  The girl is always concerned for her siblings, she just doesn't want them to be hurt or scared or alone.  She's a wise old soul, but occasionally she let's that little girl inside peek out.  I needed Swiss cheese  for a dip and I picked it up from the grocery store and as I put it in the cart she informed me that I was "buying MOUSE cheese!"  She was so hilarious.  Mouse cheese.  Love it.

My kids are hilarious.  There are days I could sell them to the circus.  But so many days they bring such laughter into my house...even on the craziest of days.

I'm really a lucky mom.  Even if my kids are secretly aliens.