Friday, January 20, 2012

Super spoiled

Ok, so I might be a walking, talking sleep bomb waiting to go off, but MAN, I am spoiled.  It was tiring day and there was lots of whining.  Sounds divine, right?  Attempted a nap, but that was a no kids just love me too much. HA!  Levi was napping, feel like I should clarify that.  Anywho, the spoiling goes to the fact that I have awesome friends.  I'm blessed.

Thank you so much Chantel, for coming to MY house and cutting all of our hair in the comfort of our own home.  The fact that you continually do this for me is beyond amazing.  It really makes me feel special and loved.  Thank you thank you thank you!!!

I could go on and on and on about my friends.  There is one I can count on NO matter what (you know who you are), friends that have no choice at all cause they're my sisters (EVIL LAUGH HERE)  my oldie but goodie Bethie.  Another friend that constantly puts up with my crazy when she already has enough of her own (even though for now, she does it alone)  I have funny friends, serious friends (few and far between-have you met me?)  But the thing is, I have really, awesome, great friends. 

And it saddens me to know that there are people who feel like they don't have any friends.  NOOOO!  That just won't do!  So I want YOU (ye of awesome friend-hood-ness) to take an extra minute this weekend and next week, to smile and say hi to that shy person at church, the lady behind you at the grocery store, the mom at the store who has a tantruming toddler, the surly teen that looks like they could care less...cause I am telling you-they crave human connections.  A nice word and a smile can move mountains y'all. 

I don't know about you guys, but I'd kind of like to be responsible for making someones day.  Toni and I used to call it "make a person feel good day."  And if we all agree to do it, there is no telling how many lives we could touch in small and significant ways. 

"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit." Proverbs 15:13

So let's go make people feel good!  Go Team Happy! 


  1. Love this! Love your blog.

  2. Trish - I promise to help you move mountains today. You rock!! We should all practice "make a person feel good day" more often, it would make our world a better place. Thanks for the reminder.
